A little trip through France

When my lease runs out at the beginning of April, I’m not going to find a new place. Instead, I’m going to drive through France to Spain, and the route I plan to take is as follows:

James’ France trip (Google Maps)

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What do you think of the route? Is there anywhere in particular that you think I should take in? How many days do you think I should take (I want it to be restful!), and in which places would it be best to stop? I plan anyway, to do the following:

  • Wine tasting in Bordeaux (Château Cablanc maybe? I fancy getting my hands dirty!)
  • A poke around some Andorran villages, and at least one day trek. Canillo and Andorra la Vella
  • A night or two in Barcelona
  • Exploring the coast road up to maybe Girona and l’Escala where I have contacts
  • Following the coast into France, then cutting over to Carcassonne
  • Schlepping back up to the north coast, probably stopping less

As to accommodation, I would certainly mix and match bed and breakfast, organised on the way along with some YHA member hostels to keep the overall trip price down, although I shouldn’t have to worry too much, as I won’t be paying rent and bills in Henley.

As to vehicle, that is undecided. The Daewoo would be sure to serve nicely, if not economically. I’d prefer to borrow another vehicle I have in mind; one which I could possibly sleep in should that be necessary…

I would plan to use the motorways only a little, and probably that would be for the journey down to Bordeaux on the first day. I might hurry back up in the last day, as well, with a possible Paris stop-over if I had time in hand. Maybe Clare could come out and meet me there?

I’d be glad of your views on my little trip. I’m sure it could be improved in structure, and probably made more realistic!