What is this blog and what is it for?

I had a feeling you might ask that.

I am a travel enthusiast who’s blessed with a job that can be done on the road. In the archives of this site you will find content from two older blogs of mine (please excuse any formatting issues, caused by the import process). They discuss previous trips, most notably South America in 2011 and Singapore, Australia and Tasmania in 2013.

When I write, it’s really me talking about what I’m doing, what I’m learning and where I am. The latest trip is six months on the canals of England, starting at Norton Junction in Northamptonshire and finishing who knows where. On the way I’ll be taking in towns and cities and beautiful countryside. There will be pictures and comment, some of it humorous. I’ve blogged like this in the past, in fits and starts and sometimes had the feeling that readers are sitting at home but would like to be out there with me. This season of blogging comes with a challenge – the same one I give myself – change your daily living and reap the benefits.
