Singapore. Where first?

We slept well on the flight, all 15 hours of it. A half hour delay on the stand was due to broken in-flight entertainment, which they managed to fix to an extent, but no interactive. On arrival, Changi airport is easy to navigate and the taxi was swift and not too expensive. Towering, oddly shaped blocks of flats and offices, overlooking palm trees and inland waterways. Now in the Strand Hotel. And the wifi works. I think.

We were warned about the subway station they're building right below our window, but they don't start digging until 0900 and we'll want to be having breakfast by then before exploring the city.

Now I suppose we rest and then go hunting for dinner. The food courts and hawker markets are open 24/7, so I'll precache some map data on to my phone and go to investigate 😉

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