Dancing in Buenos Aires

Haven’t written properly for days, I know. It has been pretty busy and we haven’t been in a great deal, other than to regroup, redress and possibly nap (an alien concept to me usually, but there’s something about this lifestyle that makes it necessary) and go to bed at 0430.

After the trip to La Catedral I reported, I danced at La Viruta in Armenia (also Rock and Roll, which I can take or leave). The class was very good there, though I left at 0030 and later discovered I’d missed the best of the tango. Apparently the show tango dancers from around town turn up to unwind with some social dancing after their performances. I’d like to see that.

The next day (as Lee had arrived), Zhenja (from New York: Lee and I met her in London in the Summer) took us to El Niño Bien on Humberto Primo in Monserrat. Beautiful environment and proper seated milonga. Good dances had by all. We also were introduced by Zhenja to her teacher, Alberto Catala who offered us reasonably priced private lessons in a studio he uses in Belgrano, subsequently inviting us to his regular table at Salon Canning. The price of the private lesson was more than justified by this kindness alone. I’ll talk more about the actual afternoon lesson at another point.

Canning was excellent – it lived up to the blogs I’d read – exclusive, challenging and very busy floor. Mondays are apparently quieter.

Now I’ve been to church and Lee has done a particularly challenging milonga class in Florida, we’ll probably go out for dinner now and then to Confiteria Ideal on Suipacha, which I expect to be quite like El Niño Bien, but with more tourists and less dressing up (apart from Lee who is looking pretty in pink).

Hasta luego!

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