Airport to Appartment

Hi Lee. You could take any remise from the airport. Should cost a bit less than $50 dollars US. Not a black and yellow cab – cheap but riskier. I used World Cars or something. Or slightly cheaper, a blue and white radio cab.

Just came out of La Catedral in Palermo, caught a bus and got of it for a 7 block walk home. Left the milonga at 0300, so half an hour is good going: took longer to get there. Slightly scary walk home, but I notice that nearly everyone is as scared as each other. Mutual respect? Got some good tangos in, but only with other tourists. Nearly solid dancing from the class at 2200 to 0300.

See you soon.

[Sent from my phone, probably on the hoof. Sorry if this message is terse.]

On Nov 22, 2011 9:44 PM, “Lee” <xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi James,

What was the best way you’d worked out to get to the appartment?



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