What a day: learning Spanish and visiting the Rotary Club of Villa Crespo

I got up quite early at 0930 considering how late the night before had been. I worked on my laptop before dashing out for lunch, walking south to an Ugi’s pizza I’d seen. Having enjoyed Ugi’s right by the Obelisco, it was without hesitation that I strode in and requested my muzzarella pizza in halting Spanish. It’s the only place I’ve been laughed at. The pizza wasn’t as good as I remembered, with a slightly metalic taste. I brought it back and made some salad to go with it.

Lourdes, my friend and penpal finished her training at the Citibank, where she will be working in the call centre selling credit cards to their pre-existing customers. We met after some disorganisation and misunderstanding on San Pelegrino. I had seen a sign for a SUBE card (like Oyster) but it appeared you needed ID to get it. Lourdes provided hers, with the sensible proviso that I give her the card before I leave. After that, a couple of coffees and an impromptu Spanish lesson, in turn followed by a walk to her college of photography. The cafe was quite expensive (within sight of the Obelisco and a number of lilac trees), but I noted it was considerably cheaper than the chain cafe I’d ordered two coffees at Juramento on on Sunday (admittedly just to use the WiFi).

With not much time to spare, I took the Subte Linea C back to Diagonal Norte and thence on the B to Independencia which I realise is only about five small Bs. As. blocks from my home. There I showered and changed into my light suit, used the computer, then set off in ample time to arrive at 2000 at Gurruchaga 171.

I was an hour early. More to follow tomorrow. Truly wonderful Rotary evening, with discussion on everything from politics to food. My Spanish is improving faster and faster…

One Reply to “What a day: learning Spanish and visiting the Rotary Club of Villa Crespo”

  1. <html><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><div>James. This is great. Can you forward &nbsp;your blogg to,</div><div>Peter-and-sheila@talk <a href="http://talk.net">talk.net</a&gt; as they would love to read them.</div><div>Love. Dad<br><br>Sent from my iPad</div><div><br></div></body></html>

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