Rotary Club of Villa Crespo – photo

Hi Chris,

I wonder if you would send the attached photo around the club?

It’s a picture of me handing over our banner to the president of the Rotary Club of Villa Crespo, Carlos Giudicessi, accompanied by their secretary, Beatriz Carceller. Villa Crespo is a leafy westerly district of Buenos Aires. You can see our banner on their website!

They kindly treated me to steak, Malbec and chocolate cake and we all had a good time, me doing my best to amuse with my halting Spanish and the help of my phone as translator. We talked about lots of things, economic, political, etc. With a 2100 start, we didn’t get finished until 0030 after which they hailed me a taxi, paid the chap in advance and sent me home in comfort. It’s a small club but very friendly and welcoming and they would certainly appreciate more visits from our club members. I shall probably be returning with Kokila in a couple of weeks’ time.

Wonderful to be part of Rotary and building bridges between nations with some historical… uneasiness.

Best wishes to all.

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