The world of patents is a scary place…


In the Claims: “the agent’s control of the customer’s browser may be relinquished at 216” But it might not be!! Surely the customer should have the final say?!

I suspect this will start to be used in the same way that the lady helps me though my self-service checkout procedure at the supermarket. Online shopping is more likely to be completed if the client can be lead and trained through the process.

On the other hand, this latest wave of bogus callers would _love_ the opportunity to run away with your browser. “Your computer needs a specialist security audit – you’ve got a virus! Please let me take a free look”. >click< “Yes, it’s completely broken (now). Pay up…”


On 12/04/11 15:12, George Cook wrote:

-- James Valentine 07971 287041 "There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand ternary, those who don't, and those who mistake it for binary."