Important changes to Congestion Charging

They should have done this a long time ago, rather than raking in the fine money in the expectation that drivers would pay on more occasions than the cameras would pick them up.

I’m also making this post because I would love to see how Posterous treats attached e-mails. I bet it just dumps them…

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Transport for London
  Dear Mr Valentine,

I am writing to let you know about Congestion Charging Auto Pay, which has recently been introduced.

Once your vehicle is registered, CC Auto Pay automatically records the number of days that you have driven in the zone each month and bills you monthly at the reduced daily charge of £9. As payment is automated, you will not have to remember to pay the charge, which means you will never get a fine again for forgetting to pay. Registration is £10 per vehicle per year.

To register, please click here

If you have already registered for Auto Pay, please do not take any further action.

Yours sincerely,
Paul Cowperthwaite
Paul Cowperthwaite
Head of Contracted Services

Ref: CC290311


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Mayor of London

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