Wasn’t that easy to get tickets after all

Tickets bought with difficulty. Opodo.co.uk called up to say that the airline’s price went up after I’d bought my ticket outside of office hours and before they’d put it through. I had to pay the extra £108 or cancel and rebook. I chose to do the latter and save my cash. I now return on 28th. What made it hard was that Nationwide thought the second, practically identical transaction looked rather rum, so I had to call them to let it through. They were great, though. No holding, just a call straight through to Swindon. If I have to call them from the wilds of Patagonia, I’ll feel very comfortable knowing that Swindon has the answers to all my money problems.

What I have learned:

  • Don’t do important things (like shopping for flights two days before you fly) out of office hours. It may come back to bite/haunt you.

Bonus is that my return flight is now via GIG rather than GRU. I’m trying to avoid São Paulo if I possibly can. Apparently, 25% of the population has been held up at gunpoint there. Mind you, I’m going to Rio, so the difference in terms of absolute violence won’t be that great, I don’t suppose.

Ready to go!

So, I’ve packed my bag, bought my flight to Rio and back from Buenos Aires and I’m off to change some money in the morning. And here I am testing that my posts do actually arrive from my e-mail.

See you back here after I safely arrive at Heathrow!