Revising my planned trip

Some of you may have read about my proposed trip through France. In the light of the huge number of miles, I think I’m going to scale back my expectations so that I can spend more time relaxing, rather than driving. If I think how tiring it is just doing a weekend run up to the Lake District and back, I’m simply not being realistic about my health and happiness in a 10-day trip. I’ll save a longer run for when I can share the journey (and driving!) with Clare, and take a little more time. Going with someone else effectively halves all the costs as well: rooms for two cost as much as rooms for one, normally, and the fuel bill is halved. On the subject of halves, I’m also inclined to believe that other halves make for more fun holidays!

Accordingly, here is my adjusted route:

View a big’un

My stop-off in La Rochelle is due to the fact that I have a friend to visit there. It is also a great town that I’ve visited before, and, in fact, was the subject of one of my old French GCSE textbooks (don’t ask me the name… Encore Tricolor?) I feel the place needs more exploration!

My plan will be to blatt through industrial France, sticking to the countryside where possible, and avoiding toll-roads. I’m hoping for sun (aren’t we all?) and to find nice, reasonable places to stay. If you care to join me, you’re welcome!

P.S. Thanks to all who kindly gave southerly suggestions. I’ll make use of them in due course, but Atlantic Coast sights are of particular interest now!

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